Want to learn more about Baja? Baja is the off-road engineering and racing team here at the U of M, and we are holding a recruitment and information session next Wednesday, September 25th! Come down if you're curious about what Baja is and how you can contribute.
We will be presenting how the team functions and our plans for the year, which we hope YOU can be a part of. We'll also be doing a shop tour for everyone who can stick around afterward. Hope to see you there!
UMSAE Aero will be presenting our design team and project, as well as how students will benefit from joining and participating on our team. Pizza and drinks will be provided!
The return of UMSAE's annual social, featuring live music by the legendary Missing Page, "gear pong" tournament, raffle prizes, 50/50, and more! February 22, 9pm-2am, King's Head Pub 120 King St), buy tickets at https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/815681213467?aff=oddtdtcreator