Frosh Integration

PHYS 1050 Exam Cram (ONLINE)

Exam Cram is a sponsored event in which UMES provides free tutor sessions for the majority of frosh classes and Math 1, 2 and 3 before final exams. These tutor sessions are taught by professional tutors that will answer your questions and go over old exams.

STAT 2220 Exam Cram (ONLINE)

Exam Cram is a sponsored event in which UMES provides free tutor sessions for the majority of frosh classes and Math 1, 2 and 3 before final exams. These tutor sessions are taught by professional tutors that will answer your questions and go over old exams.

ENG 1450 Exam Cram (EITC E2-320)

Hey Everyone! Exam season is right around the corner and that means free Exam Crams hosted by Frosh Integration. Exam Crams provide students with a last-minute review of course material in a specific class and each will be three hours in length.

CHEM 1110 Exam Cram (EITC E2-320)

Hey Everyone! Exam season is right around the corner and that means free Exam Crams hosted by Frosh Integration. Exam Crams provide students with a last-minute review of course material in a specific class and each will be three hours in length.

MATH 2132 Exam Cram (EITC E2-320)

Hey Everyone! Exam season is right around the corner and that means free Exam Crams hosted by Frosh Integration. Exam Crams provide students with a last-minute review of course material in a specific class and each will be three hours in length.

MATH 1510 Exam Cram (EITC E2-320)

Hey Everyone! Exam season is right around the corner and that means free Exam Crams hosted by Frosh Integration. Exam Crams provide students with a last-minute review of course material in a specific class and each will be three hours in length.

ENG 1440 Exam Cram (EITC E2-320)

Hey Everyone! Exam season is right around the corner and that means free Exam Crams hosted by Frosh Integration. Exam Crams provide students with a last-minute review of course material in a specific class and each will be three hours in length.

STAT 2220 Exam Cram (EITC E2-320)

Hey Everyone! Exam season is right around the corner and that means free Exam Crams hosted by Frosh Integration. Exam Crams provide students with a last-minute review of course material in a specific class and each will be three hours in length.

CHEM 1100 Exam Cram (EITC E2-320)

Hey Everyone! Exam season is right around the corner and that means free Exam Crams hosted by Frosh Integration. Exam Crams provide students with a last-minute review of course material in a specific class and each will be three hours in length.





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University of Manitoba Engineering Society
E2-292 75A Chancellors Circle
Winnipeg, MB